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the teenage brain thingĀ 

Tapping Into the Teenage Brain: Holidays and Teens Nov 19, 2023

Well, it’s certainly been a while since I’ve added a blog post! To say the fall has been busy is a legitimate UNDERSTATEMENT. Keeping up with responsibilities at home, having a full-time job, connecting with my @the_teenage_brain_thing community, completing coursework, staying...

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Tapping Into the Teenage Brain: Time #braindevelopment #highschool #middleschool #parentingteens #neuroscience #teachingteens #teenbrain #theteenagebrainthing Oct 01, 2023

As I write this, it’s Sunday evening and I’m preparing (like so many of you) for another week of busy. The schedule this week is pretty packed, with meetings, school work, family time and self-care. As I worked throughout the day to get ready for the week, my husband and I made our...

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Tapping Into the Teenage Brain: Must-Know Neuromyths Sep 17, 2023

In the field of neuroscience, there are a number of myths that educators, and even non-educators, have about the brain. Those myths - called neuromyths - have been embedded in our understanding of the brain and they often cloud our judgements about how people learn. 


In studying these...

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Tapping Into the Teenage Brain: "Mind, Brain, and Teaching" at JHU #braindevelopment #highschool #neuroscience #teachingteens #teenbrain #theteenagebrainthing Sep 10, 2023

This past week, I had something in common with millions of young people across the country: I went “back to school.”


I don’t just mean “back to school” as in I returned to the high school where I work and began the 2023-2024 school year. I mean “back to...

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Tapping Into the Teenage Brain: Tackling the "Sunday Scaries" Aug 27, 2023

  The start of another school year means the start of another 40 rounds of the Sunday Scaries, those inevitable feelings of anxiety and dread about the upcoming week. If you feel them, you’re not alone; LinkedIn reports that 80% of professionals experience the Sunday Scaries on a...

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The Teenage Brain Thing: Blog #2 #highschool #teachingteens Aug 23, 2023

As the summer quickly wraps up and a new school year is about to start, I’m reflecting now at the progress I’ve made this summer in getting The Teenage Brain Thing off the ground. What started as an idea over a year ago has truly blossomed into the beginning of something really...

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Tapping Into the Teenage Brain: 5 SEL Strategies that Build Relationships in the First Week of School #theteenagebrainthing Aug 17, 2023

First - let’s address the elephant in the room. I know what some of you are probably thinking … 


“Not another thing about SEL?! I’m SO SICK of hearing about SEL!”


A former colleague said that to me earlier this summer, and my response to here is...

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